
Pyzor 1.1.2

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Pyzor 1.1.1

New features:
  • This release adds support for Python 3 mainly.

Performance enhancements:
  • Use a non blocking socket for the pyzor server, allowing asynchronous running and

graceful shutdown of the server.


Pyzor 1.0.1

Changed whitelist URL to

Pyzor 1.0.0

New features:

  • New pyzor commands local_[un]whitelist are available for managing a local whitelist on the client side. (#10)

  • New PreFork option for the pyzor server. This allows creating multiple workers for handling pyzor requests. (#26)

Perfomance enhancements:

  • Improve usage of the Redis engine by using Hashes instead of string for storing digests. The migration tool can be used to update you current database. (#29)


  • PyPy3 compatibility verified and introduced into the Travis-CI system. (#24)

  • Unification of the storage engines types. (#30)

  • Improved check on the public whitelisting request service to skip sending requests to whitelist message that have not been reported to the public database or have been already whitelisted. (#27)

Pyzor 0.9.0

Bug fixes:

  • Fix gdbm decoding issue. (#20)

  • Fix inconsistencies accounts and addresses. (#22)

New features:

  • Strip content inside <style> and <script> tags during HTML normalization. (#19)

  • Improvements in Pyzor client error codes. (#17)

  • Add support for logging to Sentry (#7)

Perfomance enhancements:

  • Do report and whitelist in a single step for MySQL Server Engine. (#5)


Pyzor 0.8.0

Bug fixes:

  • Fix unicode decoding issues. (#1)

New features:

  • A new option for the pyzor server to set-up digest forwarding.

  • A new script pyzor-migrate is now available. The script allows migrating your digest database from one engine to another. (#2)

Perfomance enhancements:

  • Use multiple threads when connecting to multiple servers in the pyzor client script. (#5)

  • A new BatchClient is available in pyzor client API. The client now send reports in batches to the pyzor server. (#13)


  • Small adjustments to the pyzor scripts to add Windows compatibility.

  • Automatically build documentation.

  • Continuous integration on Travis-CI.

  • Test coverage on coveralls.

Pyzor 0.7.0

Bug fixes:

  • Fix decoding bug when messages are badly formed

  • Pyzor now correctly creates the specified homedir, not the user’s one

New features:

  • Logging is now disabled by default

  • Automatically run 2to3 during installation (if required)

New pyzord features:

  • Added ability to disable expiry

  • New redis engine support has been added

  • New option to enable gevent

  • Added the ability to reload accounts and access files using USR1 signal

  • Added the ability to safely stop the daemon with TERM signal

  • Split the usage-log and normal log in two separate files

  • Pyzord daemon can now daemonize and detach itself

Pyzor 0.6.0

  • pyzor and pyzord will now work with Python3.3 (if the the 2to3-3.3 is previously ran)

  • pyzord and pyzor now supports IPv6

  • Improved handling of multi-threading (signals where again removed) for the mysql engine

  • Introduced multi-processing capabilities

  • Improved HTML parsing

  • Introduced self document sample configurations

  • Introduced ability to set custom report/whitelist thresholds for the pyzor client

  • Greatly improved tests coverage

Pyzor 0.5.0

Note that the majority of changes in this release were contributed back from the Debian pyzor package.

  • Man pages for pyzor and pyzord.

  • Changing back to signals for database locking, rather than threads. It is likely that signals will be removed again in the future, but the existing threading changes caused problems.

  • Basic checks on the results of “discover”.

  • Extended mbox support throughout the library.

  • Better handling on unknown encodings.

  • Added a –log option to log to a file.

  • Better handling of command-line options.

  • Improved error handling.